Have questions about our grant writing and grant management training programs? Our comprehensive FAQ section provides clear and concise answers to common inquiries, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

When can I start this course?

This course is open enrollment, so you can register and start the course whenever you are ready. Once payment is received, you will receive immediate access to your course, however, in some rare instances, access to your course can take up to 24-48 business hours.

How long does it take to complete this course?

After you register, you will receive 6 months to complete the course. The time allotted for completion has been calculated based on the number of course hours. You will have access to the course for the full 6 months, so you can refer back to it as many times as you would like during that time period.

What if I don't have enough time to complete the course within the time frame provided?

The time allotted for course completion has been calculated based on the number of course hours. However, if you are unable to complete the course, contact the student advising team to see what options you may have available to work out a suitable completion date. Please note that an extension fee may be charged.

What kind of support will I receive?

Our courses are designed to accommodate various learning preferences. Depending on the course structure, you may get different forms of support. Self-paced courses are designed to be user-friendly and independent, minimizing the need for external support. In courses with instructors, our direct platform support feature includes opportunities for questions, discussions, and remediation, with email and phone support available for select courses. Our student advising team is available to guide you on program requirements and administrative requests, but they do not provide assistance with course content. Our goal is to provide you with the necessary support for success, whether it’s through self-paced exploration, direct communication, or guidance from our advising team. Please feel free to reach out to our customer support team with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.

What happens when I complete the course?
Upon successfully passing the final exam, you will be awarded a certificate of completion from the school or organization that you registered through.
Can I turn my subscription on and off?
Yes, however, it must be done on our end. Please send an email to our customer support team  at mwall@boydgrants.com with your Account information to let them know that you would like your subscription to be paused. You will still have access to your courses until the end of the billing cycle. When you are ready to reactivate your account, send another email to the customer support team, and we will be happy to do that for you.


Do you offer tax-exempt options for non-profit organizations?
Yes, but there is a process you will need to follow. First, you will need to purchase a course where tax is calculated. Then, you will need to provide us with the necessary information. See below:
  • Student/Organization name: (this needs to align with what is on your tax-exemption document)
  • Student email:
  • Country:
  • Address:
  • City:
  • Region(state/province):
  • Zip/postal code:
  • Order Number:
We will begin the validation process via a tax compliance software. You will receive an email directly from an outside source (Avalara) with a link to securely provide your tax-exemption document. If your status is verified, you will receive a tax refund, whenever applicable. Taxes will not be applied to any future transactions you complete on the site.


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